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Reminder - ALIA Board elections close on 8 April

I would like to remind all ALIA members to vote in the current election. This year we have 10 candidates for 2 general Director positions as well as 2 candidates for Vice-President. It is good to see so many people nominating for the Board and a positive sign for our association.

Details of the election and candidates are available at and supplementary information is available from
Instructions on how to vote have been sent out via email and the process is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

You have until 8 April, 5pm AEST to cast your vote.

We do have a local candidate as Kym Andrews, the current ALIAWest Convenor, has nominated for the Board. Kym is a very active member of the ALIAWest committee who is following advice from her favourite TV show The West Wing that “decisions are made by those who show up”. As Kym wrote in her blogjune post last year, "If you want it to be better, if you want to influence those decisions, then you need to show up. This is our profession, this is our professional body, let’s make it great together." (See

Are you going to show up and vote?

Camille Peters
ALIAWest Deputy Convenor

About Camille

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