Monday 20 May kicks off Library and Information Week 2019. This year's theme is Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK), which focuses on 10 of the ways that library and information professionals promote and support TIK values.
In celebration of this year's theme, the ALIAWest committee have prepared a series of blog posts reflecting on some of the TIK values. Across three posts focusing on three different questions, some of the ALIAWest committee members will share their thoughts and experiences on topics like freedom of information and fake news. You can learn more about all of the fabulous ALIAWest committee members on the 2019 Committee page.
We hope you enjoy our first post, and be sure to join in the conversation on Twitter using #LIW2019 and #ALIATIK!
What do the words ‘Truth, Integrity and Knowledge’ mean to you?
Taylor Coventry
To me it means doing what you promised with your best intentions at heart and knowledge by your side. As a librarian, I feel we play an important role as a trusted source for so many. In this ever changing world of fake news and distrust it is now as important as ever that, in our roles, we provide information to people with their needs and interests in mind, with no hidden agendas. Truth, integrity and knowledge are words that library and information professionals live by everyday.
Nicole Johnston
In today’s world of fake news and misinformation our concept of ‘truth’ has been questioned. I feel that Librarians play an important role in using their knowledge to help people learn to discern what is credible information. The integrity of our profession will play an important part in helping all citizens navigate the complicated digital information environment.
Noreen Kirkman
To me, Truth, Integrity and Knowledge means that reliable and verifiable information is based on sound evidence and data, which is necessary to differentiate fake news from authenticated fact.
Claire Murphy
The Truth, Integrity and Knowledge campaign communicates to me the need for librarians to hold themselves to a higher standard. We need to educate ourselves, recognise that information is never neutral and identify our privilege (where appropriate). By recognising multiple truths and multiple sources of knowledge, we can approach our profession with integrity.
Stay tuned to hear from more of the committee members in our next post on Wednesday!