The WALT Conference Grant is currently open for applications!
Maintained by the ALIA WA Library Technicians group, the aim of the grant is to enable students and recent graduates of a library technician qualification course to experience the value of a National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium . The Symposium is a prime source of professional development and networking opportunities for library technicians within Australia and overseas.
Eligibility – who can enter?
The Grant is awarded biennially and entry is open to members and non-members of ALIA. Applicants must be Library Technicians who graduated in 2015 or 2016 or current students of any ALIA recognised Library Technicians course of study. Applicants MUST be residents of Western Australia.
What happens if I win?
The successful entrant will receive an offer of a grant to attend the ALIA National Library and Information Technicians Symposium to be held in Sydney from 27th - 29th of September 2017. The Grant includes Symposium Registration, Airfares and some funding towards accommodation.
Should the winning entrant be a current student they will also receive one year’s free student membership of the Australian Library and Information Association, compliments of ALIA.
It is expected that the winner will attend the ALIA WALT Group Symposium debrief and present a 10 minute report on their conference experience and finally become a member of the ALIA WALTG committee.
How do I enter?
- Applicants must meet the entry requirement (see above).
- Complete the nomination form.
- Create a short (two minutes maximum) multimedia presentation focusing on the Symposium’s theme of “Bridge to knowledge” - Be creative! Post your presentation on YouTube and email the link and nomination form to
Submissions close 21st July 2017 and the winner will be notified by 20th August 2017.