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Help ALIA affect real change - send through your AGM proxy form!

By Jessica Pietsch

So I was on the phone to Judy Brooker, ALIA's Director of Learning yesterday. Judy reminded me about the upcoming Annual General Meeting and the proposed constitution changes:
"to endorse the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights- Article 19 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in response to the many challenges faced by the world today and into the future."
I first came to know of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when I was working for Australian Volunteers International, they informed much of Australia's international development program. The MDG's came to a conclusion in 2015 and whilst there was a lot of criticism about their success and effectiveness, the next iteration - The Sustainable Development Goals, have incorporated the lessons and built upon the successes.

I was really excited when I learnt that ALIA was planning on incorporating them into our constitution. In a trickle-down effect means that our programs, accreditation and campaigns will be informed and support the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

However... as a membership we still need to vote to make it a thing! This year of all years we shouldn't assume the right thing will just happen.

You might like to read up on the other items of business first, but please do take 5 minutes to print out and send the AGM Proxy Form through to Sue at by Monday 15 May.

Is anyone else's workplace incorporating the SDGs into their practices? I'd love to know!  Leave a comment below.

About Jessica Pietsch | ALIA WA State Manager

Jessica Pietsch | ALIA WA State Manager
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