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Reminder: Sharr Award nominations still open

We are looking for the next name to go on this board. Could that name be yours?

Nominations for the 2016 Sharr Award (formerly known as the Sharr Medal) close on Friday 7 April. This award, named in honour of F A Sharr (State Librarian 1953-1976), comes with a $500 bursary to be used to attend an ALIA conference or undertake substantial professional development activities.

To be eligible for the award the nominees must be:
- A current Western Australian resident, having graduated from an ALIA accredited course in the last three years. The 2016 award is open to those who graduated after January 2014.
- A Member of ALIA.
Selection criteria:
- Demonstrated understanding of the values of ALIA and how these might be embodied in your professional activities. (Max 250 words)
- Demonstrated involvement in ALIA, other professional bodies and/or community groups and so on. (Max 250 words)
- Demonstrated understanding of current issues facing the library and information industry by briefly identifying and discussing ways forward on up to three issues. (Max 750 words)

Nominations must include:
  • Nominee details, including a current curriculum vitae
  • Statement addressing the award selection criteria
  • Details of two referees
  • ALIA personal membership number
  • Certificate of completion for library and information studies or library technician course

Further details are available on the website
Please contact, if you are interested in nominating and/or require further information about the F A Sharr Award.

About Camille

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