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Let’s break the ice with ALIAWest!

Join us for our first exciting event of 2017!

Catch up with old and new friends while hearing back from three LIS professionals who were lucky enough to attend the ALIA Information Online conference in Sydney:

* Katie Mills, University of Western Australia
* Lesley DuBois, Edith Cowan University
* Chloe Czerwiec, University of Western Australia

Katie, Lesley and Chloe will share their experiences of the conference and key takeaways - so if you weren't able to attend, come along to live vicariously through them!
This is a great way for you to network with other Library professionals.

Day and date: Tuesday 14th March
Time: 5:30pm for 6:00pm start
Venue: Geographe Room, State Library of Western Australia
Entry fee: Gold coin donation

Light refreshments provided.
To register:

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