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Library Fight Club!

“Where did you get that bruise?”

What’s this?
A meeting of library people to discuss hot topics, learn from the discussion and put new ideas and concepts to the test. We will find all the arguments and counter–arguments around a topic and voice opinions that might be unpopular but will force us to analyse and rethink current practises.

Everyone who wants a say can have one, and everyone who attends can have a go at giving some kind of opinion – whether sensible or outlandish. Sometimes arguing against what you believe clarifies why you actually believe it. Or you could even find you change your mind.

Our last Library Fight Club was a roaring success, well-attended and well-received by attendees. So we are hoping for the same great turnout for this round!
Of course, we don’t talk about Library Fight Club, but we may tweet/blog it if anyone non-local is interested. Let us know.

When is it on?
14th July, 5.30 for 6pm start
The Brisbane Hotel, 292 Beaufort St, Perth WA 6003
RSVP here by the 13th July
This is a free event, but we are expected to buy a few drinks from the bar downstairs.
What will we fight about at the meeting?
“To degree or not to degree? Are formal library qualifications still relevant or could work experience and degrees from other disciplines be better?”

Do I have to prepare?
You can “prepare” if you want, or just have a few opinions in mind. However, be aware that you will be assigned a “side” at random upon arrival.

We hope to see you there!

Tamara Capper, Lydia Dawe, Anika Moore, Chloe Czerwiec, Margot Dunnet.

About Helena

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