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You're invited to a conference report-back with a twist!

This year ALIAWest have joined forces with ALIA Students & New Graduates and ALIA ARL WA to bring you a conference report back with a twist! We’re taking you inside and out of some key 2019 conferences - ALIA Information Online, IATUL, and NLS9.

Hear behind-the-scenes experiences, highlights, challenges, and more from those who’ve been there - an organiser, a presenter, a volunteer, and of course no report back would be complete without an attendee!  

Our special guest speakers Alissa Sputore, Kristin Stephenson, Sarah-Jane Lang and Rosita Chan will inspire you to rethink your next conference experience and get involved in new and beneficial ways.

Registrations essential:
(places limited)

  • Wednesday 7th August, 5:45pm for a 6pm start (7:30pm close)
  • Geographe Room, State Library of WA
  • Gold coin entry fee for non-members | Free for ALIA members and students 
  • Light refreshments provided
  • BYO cup! (SLWA is single-use plastic free) 
We hope to see you there!

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