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PD Part 1: New opportunities and mentors - 6 September 2016

The next #auslibchat will be Tuesday 6th September at 9pm AEST.


Taken from ALIA NGAC website:-

"We will be discussing part one of a professional development series of #auslibchat, focusing on new opportunities and mentors.

Here are the questions:

Q1: Do you have a ‘go to’ person for career advice? How did you find them?
Q2: How has having a mentor or ‘go to’ person benefited your professional dev?
Q3: What leads you to new opportunities? Have you taken up any new opportunities that were unexpected this year?
Q4: Do you have a personal PD planning and review process? Why? Why not?
Activity to close: Find a new contact via #auslibchat and exchange your PD tips and/or next step you will take for your PD."

Please join in this professional development discussion.

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