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Come to our next meeting Monday 26th October!

Are you a member of ALIA? Do you have a tiny amount of spare time? Then let us help you fill that gap!

ALIAWest is calling for new committee members. Various positions are open for which you can nominate or you can help as a general committee member if you aren’t ready for that kind of commitment.

All we need from you is to attend one meeting a month, maybe do a little work behind the scenes to assist with event planning and attend our events. We hope to host around 8 exciting events in 2016.

What do you get from us? The opportunity to network, add to your PD points, give back to the profession and gain that rewarding feeling you get from volunteering.

We will be holding a special meeting on Monday, 26th October at 6pm to welcome new volunteers and to brainstorm event ideas for 2016. Please come along to the North West Room at the State Library and see what ALIAWest is all about. Come tell us what we can do better!

If you would like further information then don’t hesitate to contact ALIAWest by FacebookTwitter or email

We look forward to meeting you

About Ghylene

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