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Awards evening 2014

On Tuesday 20th May, the State Library of Western Australia and ALIAWest jointly held an awards night in the State Library. A large contingent of the Perth library community, including many eminent members of the profession, were there to celebrate the achievements of

·         Dr Kerry Smith FALIA and now Fellow of the Library Board of Western Australia,
·         Jane Jones, winner of the Kay Poustie Scholarship,
·         The Grove Library, winner of the Library Board of Western Australia Award for Excellence,
·         Kym Andrews and Pat Gallaher, recipients of ALIA silver pins for serving 5 terms on ALIA        committees,
·         And the inaugural members of the ALIA 25 Year Members Club.

The ALIA 25 Year Members Club was established to recognise members of long standing (see With over 80 people in WA identified as eligible for membership, it was not possible to acknowledge them all at the awards. However, the seven most long standing members (> 40 years): Margaret Medcalf FLAA, Jim Downing, Pat Gallaher, Dr Alison Gregg, Patricia Walker, Pamela Sotzik, and Imogen Garner FALIA, were publicly presented with their pins.

It was wonderful to see so many people at various stages of their career attend, from new professional all the way to retiree. With convivial companions, good catering, and an engaging group of speakers, the evening passed quickly.

Library and Information Week is a time to celebrate excellence in libraries as well as the professionalism and dedication of library staff. This professionalism and service ethos was clearly demonstrated by the award recipients and the ALIAWest Committee offers its congratulations to all.

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