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2021 F A Sharr Award


Nominations for the 2020 F A Sharr Award are now open!


The Sharr Award was first presented in 1976 and Western Australian librarians, teacher librarians, or library technicians within their first three years following graduation are encouraged to apply and the Award is presented to the applicant who exhibits the most potential to make a significant contribution to the library profession in WA.  


Due to not proceeding with selection of F A Sharr Award recipient last year due to the COVID-19 shutdown, the ALIAWest committee has decided to extend eligibility for an extra year. The 2020 award is open to those who graduated in or after January 2017.



The Sharr Award winner receives a $500 bursary to spend on professional development activities, not to mention the honour of being amongst past recipients of this significant industry award!

Self-nominations close Friday 16th April - so find your voice and put yourself forward now!


Further details including selection criteria and the colleague nomination form can be found at


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