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Day 9 of blog every day in June

Work life balance

Work life balance

Are you someone who struggles with maintaining a healthy balance between your work commitments and everyday life?

Do you make time to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Do you make time for your family and friends?

Do you make time for your hobbies?

Most of us are not very good at this so here are some tips from WebMD

1.    Build downtime into your schedule
2.    Drop activities that sap your time or energy
3.    Rethink your errands
4.    Get moving
5.    Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way
For more detailed information on these please visit WebMD
For the managers among you, there are work/life balance training opportunities for staff at WorkplaceTraining Advisory Australia

Please share with us your own advice on how you try to maintain a work life balance! In the meantime watch this work life balance video:

About Ghylene

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